Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Amelia Earhart still not found? GTFO.

So it looks like this blog is turning into a Jeopardy! category. “Birthdays of Famous People for 200 Alex.” My next post will be different, I promise. Maybe.

For the 5 or so people left in the world who don’t use Google: Today marks the 115th birthday for Ms. Earhart who went missing July 2nd, 1937 during a bid to become the first woman to circumnavigate the globe.

Another year, another report of someone trying to find her and failing. Kind of a superfail though, since this time it cost $2,200,000.00. I can’t help but wonder: would it be worth it? I get that the team lead will go down in the history books, but monetarily, what do you get? Profits from the inevitable James Cameron movie? Did Robert Ballard get rich from Titanic? Maybe fame is enough, but it sounds like a pain. Unless you’re the guy (or gal) in the aforementioned history book, no one is going to believe you were involved in the expedition.

Don’t misunderstand, I’m not against finding her. It’s just that they’re wasting their time. Any true sci-fi fan knows she won’t be found until 2371.

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