Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!

Tesla, aged 37, 1893, photo by Napoleon Sarony
Arguably the greatest inventor in human history was born today in 1856: Nikola Tesla

If you don't know much about him, his history is well worth reading, not only because he did so much to advance mankind (can I still say that? maybe humankind? i dunno), but because you'll learn things about Thomas Edison you didn't learn in school. Such as what a despicable human being he was. For example, he electrocuted an elephant to demonstrate the danger of alternating current.

But I digress. Tesla was fascinating as geniuses so often are. I can only imagine what it would have been like to meet the man who invented radio. Happy Birthday Mr. Tesla, you should be celebrated worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. I recently found out that the elephant in question was "Topsy". Apparently, Topsy had only previously trampled some of her handlers and was condemned to die for it. While that is sad to hear that she killed her handlers, it doesn't mean she should've been electrocuted. That is pretty despicable!
